Use cases

Knowledge Base Support portal search

  • Scenario : Customer is into providing hardware and software business providing support to 150,000 customers worldwide.
  • Challenge : The knowledge base technical documentation, troubleshooting knowledge in multiple languages.
  • Solution : Indexed intelligent, relevant multilingual search.

Insurance Fraud detection and increased claim processing speed

  • Scenario : Insurance Company with 100,000+ customers making millions in premiums and claims
  • Challenge : Huge volumes of data in multiple formats in legacy systems taking longer time to retrieve, process data and run reports
  • Solution : Data Indexing, Classification and search relevancy

Health Care Life Script

  • Scenario : Healthcare content provider with volumes of data articles on the health issues like, diseases, symptoms diagnosis etc.
  • Challenge : Classify the data based on keywords like diseases, related symptoms, cause, effects and suggested diagnosis and match with customer search questions
  • Solution : Data Indexing, taxonomy and improved search relevancy, conversion

E-Commerce Search

  • Scenario : Specialized content publishers with blog articles on subjects like cooking, art, hobbies etc
  • Challenge : Index and classify the data with relevant terms to improve search experience, to increasevisitors for the landing page, increase customer engagement, and monetize the content
  • Solution : Data Indexing, Classification and improved search relevancy, eCommerce store and cart management, increase click through conversion rate

Searching Large volume of contracts and legal documents

  • Scenario : Large number of legal documents and contracts in multiple languages and different formats
  • Challenge : To find the relevant document and identify the search phrases and
  • Solution : Document and content analyzers and storage solution with integrated search retrieval capabilities